
To make this notebook universially applicable and helpful, you are all welcomed to construct it with me!

Here are some tips:

  1. The structure for the present is totally a mess, to be honest! If you have any suggesstions on it, please help me improve it! I couldn’t be more appreciated for that!
  2. All contencts listed in the notebook must be meticulously filtered and picked to make the late learners learn the concepts and skills as easily as possible. (e.g. If I were to learn what “RKHS” is, the only material i need to read is /conceptual/math/Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces(RKHS), then I would be quite clear about the concept)
  3. If you know any materials having a better explanation, you are undoutedly welcomed to replace the old ones.
  4. If you think the website where the material in stored might be 404 in the future, please make a backup of it with sequentically named filename and a link backup pointing to the file. AND pay attention to the license, though I personally still need to fix this problem…