I will no longer update “Deep Learning” part of this note frequently. Several reasons like:

  1. Fairly speaking, these are much more than enough for a beginner. If you could take good use of them, then you should be awesome now!
  2. I cannot afford expensive GPUs. Deep Learning is still somewhat like an alchemy [E.g.] (You are search for this topic on Twitter).
  3. I’m more interested in the application of (Statistical) Machine Learning these days. So I would probably update some Machine Learning related resources in the future.
  4. I don’t want to go on a PhD to do research. I believe the knowledge I have now is enough to me. Startup-like things might be more enjoyable.
  5. 人生苦短,我更喜欢刺激与惊喜 (Short as life is, I pursue thrill and surprise.)
  6. As pointed out by some senior researchers, I am not smart enough to compete with those people.:man_facepalming: (Half kidding)


A Machine Learning Resource gathering as a collection of many extremely useful resources. Feel free to contact me at if you are interested. I would be really glad if this helps you.

This note might be confusing to you now since I fail to come up with an idea to organize it. But I will try to make it universally applicable later. If you can’t wait any more to study ML, maybe I can suggest you a pathway by email.

You may want to search or contibute

Table of Contents

  1. Conceptual
  2. Personal blogs and official accounts
  3. Courses and Tutorials
  4. Articles
  5. Papers
    1. GAN
    2. NLP
    3. Miscellanous
  6. Webs or APIs
    1. Starting Point
    2. For Python
    3. Advanced / Miscellanous
  7. Datasets
  8. Projects


Wikipedia is always your first choice!

Personal blogs and official accounts

Courses and Tutorials






Webs or APIs

Starting Point

For Python

Advanced / Miscellanous


