I will no longer update “Deep Learning” part of this note frequently. Several reasons like:
- Fairly speaking, these are much more than enough for a beginner. If you could take good use of them, then you should be awesome now!
- I cannot afford expensive GPUs. Deep Learning is still somewhat like an alchemy [E.g.] (You are search for this topic on Twitter).
- I’m more interested in the application of (Statistical) Machine Learning these days. So I would probably update some Machine Learning related resources in the future.
- I don’t want to go on a PhD to do research. I believe the knowledge I have now is enough to me. Startup-like things might be more enjoyable.
- 人生苦短,我更喜欢刺激与惊喜 (Short as life is, I pursue thrill and surprise.)
- As pointed out by some senior researchers, I am not smart enough to compete with those people.:man_facepalming: (Half kidding)
A Machine Learning Resource gathering as a collection of many extremely useful resources. Feel free to contact me at
if you are interested. I would be really glad if this helps you.
This note might be confusing to you now since I fail to come up with an idea to organize it. But I will try to make it universally applicable later. If you can’t wait any more to study ML, maybe I can suggest you a pathway by email.
You may want to search or contibute
Table of Contents
- Conceptual
- Personal blogs and official accounts
- Courses and Tutorials
- Articles
- Papers
- Webs or APIs
- Datasets
- Projects
Wikipedia is always your first choice!
Personal blogs and official accounts
- Zhihu topics: Deep Learning
- Andrew Ng
- Xf Mao
- xf__mao
- Poll
- 邓范鑫——致力于变革未来的智能技术(个人博客)
- 开发者头条
- Chris McCormick Machine Learning
- ml4a Machine Learning for Artists
- TensorFlow 官方文档中文版
- handong1587’s blog
- Daniel Holdenresearcher at Ubisoft Montreal
- 《机器学习实战》学习笔记
- 返回主页 刘建平Pinard
- Siraj Raval
- Sebastian Ruder
- Data science blogs
Courses and Tutorials
- Machine Learning - Coursera Fundamental ML
- Machine Learning - Google Highly recommended fundamental tutorial starting from Decision Tree algorithm by Google, though sadly aborted half way
- DeepLearningZeroToAll Fundamental ML. Not suitable for first learners, but good for revision.
- fast.ai
- CMU deep learning
- Stanford CS229: Machine Learning
- Stanford CS231A: Computer Vision, From 3D Reconstruction to Recognition
- Stanford CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
- generative-adversarial-networks Fundamental GAN
- Nvidia Deep Learning Education
- DeepLearningTutorials written in
- 中文 Python 笔记 Tutorials for Python 基础与进阶, Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Cython, OOP, Theano, Pandas and many other useful moudules for python
- Computer VisionNYU Fall 2012
- 动手学深度学习李沐: Learning Deep Learning using Apache MXNet (incubating) ‘s latest API –––– gluon
- deeplearningbook
- deeplearningbook-chinese
- DeepLearningBook读书笔记
- Oxford Deep NLP 2017 course
- Machine Learning and Data Mining - by University of California in Irvine cs273a
- Scala - I cannot understand why people love this language. If you have to use this last-choice language, check this course. If you are eager, check cheetsheet Please, stop wasting your time on this [Facepalm]. If you were asked to use it, complain to your supervisor with no hesitance.
- Udacity - too many wonderful courses!
- 斯坦福大学秋季课程《深度学习理论》STATS 385, HomePage, Videos, Videos on Bilibili
- Book Collection
- UC Berkeley CS 294: Deep Reinforcement Learning, Fall 2017
- 《迁移学习简明手册》
- 迁移学习介绍、综述文章、最新文章、代表工作及其代码、常用数据集、硕博士论文
- 机器学习常见算法分类汇总
- Vanishing Gradient Problem
- GAN入门教程
- 【深度神经网络压缩】Deep Compression (ICLR2016 Best Paper)
- Complete Guide to Parameter Tuning in XGBoost (with codes in Python)
- When does parameter-sharing in recurrent neural networks make sense?
- 如何配置一台适用于深度学习的工作站?
- 深度学习从入门到出门·机器玄学文章合集
- 机器学习经典 PRML 最新 Python 代码实现,附最全 PRML 笔记视频学习资料
- 令人拍案叫绝的Wasserstein GAN
- really-awesome-gan Collection of GAN papers
- AdversarialNetsPapers Collection of GAN papers
- short summaries of some machine learning papers
- 【Ian Goodfellow 强推】GAN 进展跟踪 10 大论文(附下载)
- DeepCodingBaselines Collection of ML papers on Code Completion, Dialogue, Bug Localization, Code Clone Detection, Commit Summarization, Bug Fix and Overrun Detect
- Action Recognition using Visual Attention
- 深度学习的9篇开山之作
- deep-learning-papers
- Conference Open Review
- Arxiv Sanity Preserver - Built in spare time by @karpathy to accelerate research, Serving last 36935 papers from cs.
- State-of-the-art result for all Machine Learning Problems, or this
Webs or APIs
Starting Point
- Tensorflow - faster
- Keras - Keras is now integrated in Tensorflow:
- Pytorch - easier to use
- Theano
- MXNet - faster
Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Distributed Deep Learning Frameworks on GPUs
- AWS EC2 - one year free for some micro servers. Education Entry - get free USD$100 each year
- Paperspace - cheaper and faster
- Some guidance if you would like to switch: Guidance 1. If you are new comers, these guidances might not help. From my own experience, just randomly choose one (I would suggest Keras and Pytorch though). Before I touched some of them, I have no idea what these articles are talking about. Even if I went through some articles, I still have no idea which one to choose.
For Python
- Anaconda - Powerful Machine Learning Package Manager
- Brew for MacOS, Brew for Linux
- pip - built-in for python,
pip install pkg_name
, to specify which version of python the pkg is to install for, usepip2
- Jupyter Notebook - elegant and powerful interactive python v3.X shell(can also support for V2.0 or R, etc.)
- Scipy
- Numpy - Powerful and efficient handler for numbers, matrices, and their operations. With CLEAR documentation.
- Pandas - Powerful and efficient handler for Data I/O and preprocessing. With CLEAR documentation.
- matplotlib - Powerful tool for ploting images.
- scikit-learn - Powerful package containg many basic algorithms in Classification, Regression, Clustering, Dimensionality reduction, Model selection and Preprocessing. With CLEAR documentation.
Advanced / Miscellanous
- grakn.ai
- algorithmia
- 哈工大语言技术平台云, 新注册的ai域名
- jieba - 结巴中文分词
- NLTK - many NLP tools
- THUMT - an open-source neural machine translation toolkit developed by Tsinghua Natural Language Processing Group
- NOUS - Construction, Querying and Reasoning with Knowledge Graphs
- CN-DBpedia - 复旦·知识图谱API
- Machine Learning for Cyber Security - Datasets, Papers, Books, Talks, Tutorials, Courses, Miscellaneous
- Generate c code
- fairseq - Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit
- PHP-ML - Machine Learning library for PHP
- WordNet - A lexical database for English
- DeepMind
- ConvNetJS - Deep Learning in your browser, by Stanford
- betafaceapi
- Kesci
- XGBoost
- rsync - fast incremental file transfer tool
- Deep Learning
- Toronto University ML
- 大牛们的blog (人工智能与机器学习)
- lab@grapeot.me
- kaggle-past-solutions
- NIPS(Neural Information Processing Systems) paper
- analysing-the-arxiv arxiv metadata fetch
- Using Jupyter notebook securely in remote cluster
- Google A.I. Experiments
- YodaQA open source question answering system
- Text Mining Online
- Stanford.NLP.NET, 简单说明
- Neo4j - graph database
- cayley - An open-source graph database
- pyley - Python client for an open-source graph database Cayley
- AI商用搜索 - AI商用搜索——By 机器之心
- Green Screen - 自动抠图, Article
- OpenKG.CN - 中文开放知识图谱
- paddlepaddle - PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning –––– Deep Learning APIs by Baidu
- MachineLearning
- ONNX - Open Neural Network Exchange. import module for Caffe2, export a network from PyTorch to ONNX
- Sequoia 2000 FTP server home page
- Game Agent Framework, http://serpent.ai
- 哈工大科大讯飞联合实验室
- Baidu MDL - Mobile Deep Learning
- ML Showcase
- tushare - 财经数据接口包
- 52 个超级有用的机器学习与预测接口
- Losswise - 机器学习项目监控解决方案
- call-python-libraries - Access Python® functionality from MATLAB®
- tensorpack - A neural net training interface based on TensorFlow
- GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation - have pre-trained word vectors
- Beijing City Lab
- 知网(HowNet)知识库的简单调用指南
- OpenNE - An open source toolkit for Network Embedding
- OpenKE - An Open-Source Package for Knowledge Embeddingd
- OpenCV - Computer Vision tool, can be treated as Photoshop
- FlashText - Extract Keywords from sentence or Replace keywords in sentences. Much faster than Regex on longer sentences. Instruction By 机器之心
- TensorLayer - Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Library for Researcher and Engineer.
- DPM v5 - Discriminatively trained deformable part models, Instruction to run DPM v5 with Pascal VOC devkit
- Install Linuxbrew on your AWS instance
- 使 Amazon EBS 卷可用
- Deep Learning for Java - Open-Source, Distributed, Deep Learning Library for the JVM
- spaCy - Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python and Cython
- DeepVis
- 13种编程语言对应的机器学习资源大全!
- 别错过这张AI商用清单:你的生产难题可能被一个应用解决(上),(下)
- ParlAI––––A unified platform for sharing, training and evaluating dialog models across many tasks.
- Pandas on Ray Pandas 改进版
- Amazon connect a new EBS
- Compute Code Diff
- AWS Public Datasets
- SF OpenData
- Google cluster workload traces
- Kaggle dataset
- Experimental Data for Question Classification
- UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository
- Network data
- iPinYou Real-Time Bidding Dataset for Computational Advertising Research
- Chinese Cloze-style RC Dataset: People Daily & Children’s Fairy Tale
- Million Song Dataset
- Chest X-ray provided by National Institutes of Health - Clinical Center
- DataSciComp - A collection of popular Data Science Competitions
- Open Academic Graph - This data set is generated by linking two large academic graphs: Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) and AMiner.
- 各领域公开数据集下载
- VOT2016 Dataset - Visual Object Tracking
- S&P 500 - STATWORX 团队近日(2017-11-12)从 Google Finance API 中精选出了 S&P 500 数据,该数据集包含 S&P 500 的指数和股价信息
- ImageNet, paper
- MSCOCO -paper large-scale object detection, segmentation, and captioning dataset.
- OpenSurfaces - large database of annotated surfaces created from real-world consumer photographs.
- Street View House Numbers (SVHN)
- ML Open Data
- Stanford Network Analysis Project
- Acemap Knowledge Graph
- YTF (YouTube Faces DB), login to this server, username: wolftau, PW: wtal997 (ref)